cycle of low mood

How the pandemic has affected our mental health

Our own Rebbetzin Alli marked Mental Health Awareness Shabbat with illuminating presentation

Our community marked Mental Health Awareness Shabbat by zooming in to a presentation on the topic of the pandemic and its effects on our mental health delivered by our own Rebbetzin Alli Sturgess.

In her 40-minute presentation,  Rebbetzin Alli, who is a fully accredited BABCP CBT psychotherapist, with her own private practice as well as working as supervisor for Bikur Cholim IAPT service in Stamford Hill, and supervisor for JTeen textline, was able to highlight some of the reasons why the 60yr+ age group seeks out mental health support less than any other age group.   She also offered  helpful resources that we can all turn to for mental health support, some with a therapist, some via webchat or text, as well as some effective self-help we can do alone via approved websites.  She also supplied some helpful CBT strategies to help combat low mood and anxiety particularly triggered by the pandemic.

Watch the recording of the presentation, followed by a Q & A,