What to do following a bereavement

In case of a bereavement, please notify the United Synagogue burial office on 020 8950 7767 IMMEDIATELY and leave your name, the name of the deceased and a contact phone number.

If the burial office is closed and you would like to speak to someone for advice only, please call 07957 119 119 (this service is not available on Shabbat or Yom Tov).

If possible, contact Rabbi Daniel on rabbi@stalbanssynagogue.org.uk or phone: 07587 551674 and/or our shul administrator at info@stalbanssynagogue.org.uk or 01727 858472 to provide the same information.

For detailed guidance on how to arrange a burial, please consult the appropriate section of the United Synagogue website: www.theus.org.uk/bereavement

Please note: regularly updated information and guidance on attendance at funerals in line with the current Covid-19 pandemic is available on the US website, or contact the US burial office on the number above for more information.

You will also find guidance on the procedure of sitting shiva on the US website: www.theus.org.uk/category/shiva. Our shul can provide chairs for the mourners, and copies of the shiva prayer book. An abridged version of the shiva book is available as a download here.

Once the date and time for a stone-setting has been booked, please inform Rabbi Daniel and our shul administrator, as above.