We’ll help ensure your new baby gets a proper Jewish start in life

New babies always get a special welcome in our community, and Rabbi Daniel can advise on all the traditional practices, as appropriate. Let us know of your new arrival. We’d love to celebrate with you!

Brit Milah (Circumcision) should take place on the eighth day after the birth of a baby boy, unless the baby’s health dictates postponement.

A list of registered mohelim (practitioners) is to be found at www.initiationsociety.net. Alternatively, advice may be sought from Rabbi Daniel at rabbi@stalbanssynagogue.org.uk

Pidyon Haben (Redemption of the First-Born). This ceremony traditionally takes place 30 days after the birth of a first-born son. For guidance on arranging the ceremony, please consult Rabbi Daniel at rabbi@stalbanssynagogue.org.uk

Baby Blessing/Naming. The baby blessing/naming ceremony for a girl usually takes place during a Shabbat morning service. There is no specific date allotted to such a ceremony, and it can happen whenever parents choose. We have recently held several of these ceremonies in our shul, when family and friends are invited to join the congregation for what becomes a very joyous occasion, usually with a celebratory kiddush at the conclusion of the service.

For guidance on arranging the ceremony, please consult Rabbi Daniel at rabbi@stalbanssynagogue.org.uk

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