Facing up to wildlife – SAUS award-winning photographer reveals his secrets If, in your wildest dreams, you have ever fancied yourself trying to stare down an elephant, a lion or a rhinoceros, you could do worse t...
Partnering with Technion UK brings top speakers to St Albans screens St Albans United Synagogue partnered with Technion UK to offer members the opportunity of hearing two fascinating talks (via Zoom). The f...
Dame Margaret Hodge – Watch the video On a rainy November night, Dame Margaret Hodge, Labour MP for Barking, a minister in the Blair and Brown governments, and parliamentary s...
Healthy Jewish Food – Our Zoom presentation “When life throws thorns, hunt for roses”, goes the old saying. Well, life certainly threw a few thorns in our path when the start of our...
I can’t believe that’s kosher! The sight of tottering figures, weaving their way drunkenly down Oswald Road, may not be all that unexpected—too many pubs in the immedia...
Purim with a difference There was something different about our Purim celebrations this year. Yes, we had the Megillah, recited, as has become traditional, by Jo...